Artist: Going to try and draw
Artist: Really quick note guys. This right here just ticks me
Artist: Good news everyone!
Artist: Hey guys, just a bit longer!
Artist: Welp, laptop charger broke so no new art for a few days.
Artist: Okay since everything is alright. Drawings soon!
Send me '(~Ó3Ó)~' if your muse wants to cuddle my muse.
Artist: (This took way to long to draw…) Say hello!
Artist: Finished her!
Artist: Wip of my newest creation
Artist: Hey guys, it has been suggested that I start a patron
Artist: Something might be wrong with my appendix, so said my
agentstarkrodgers: officialgeorgebush: lewdfruitington: omgpoetry:
Artist: My fur-er sharksona!
Artist: Not feelin so hot today.
Artist: This morning I woke up this morning and decided to draw
Artist: Commission for ester!
Artist: Little reminder to those who might commission me later
Artist: Streaming in ten minutes!
Artist: Lining of an old sketch, stream is now over. Thank those
Artist: Thing done in the stream! Artist:
Artist: I have done nothing productive today
Artist: Adult type draws going on!
Artist: Playing with an art program, and I wants it. I redrew
Artist: And done! Hope you like it @terra-the-gamer
Artist: A cute saryn! She thought no one else was in the dojo.
Artist: I’m working on a thingy at the moment and trying
Artist: Sketch complete! Hope you like it terra-the-gamer!
Artist: Almost got the sketch done! hooray!
Artist: Possible Commission stream later!
Artist: I want to sleep, but noooo! I’ve gotta be wide
Artist: Thinking about taking the laptop with me to school to