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Anticlimactic conclusion

Anticlimactic conclusion

Cleared for takeoff

Cleared for takeoff

Epic camo shark … he’s one sneaky motherf*cker

Epic camo shark … he’s one sneaky motherf*cker

Must be a Police dog

Must be a Police dog

Keep yer superiority to yerself

Keep yer superiority to yerself

Unbearable housemates

Unbearable housemates

Guess they couldn’t read it until they were REAL close

Guess they couldn’t read it until they were REAL close

And it was well worth the wait

And it was well worth the wait

Blow in her ear and she’ll follow you anywhere

Blow in her ear and she’ll follow you anywhere

Ceiling Cat didn’t want that title anyway

Ceiling Cat didn’t want that title anyway

Words to live by

Words to live by

Hallelujah … no, wait …

Hallelujah … no, wait …

Thanks, I think I’ll pass

Thanks, I think I’ll pass

You can say that again

You can say that again

Noooo, not Mr. Bunbun!

Noooo, not Mr. Bunbun!

Their instincts far outshine ours

Their instincts far outshine ours

Picturesque preen (Egret)

Picturesque preen (Egret)

Mood remedies

Mood remedies

That’ll teach him

That’ll teach him

Thanks for that brilliant insight

Thanks for that brilliant insight

Back in the good ol’ daze

Back in the good ol’ daze

Do I look stoopid or somethin’?

Do I look stoopid or somethin’?

Dead appendages

Dead appendages

Perplexing paradox

Perplexing paradox

Ironic juxtaposition

Ironic juxtaposition

The super power of flight

The super power of flight

Especially on a lazy Saturday

Especially on a lazy Saturday

You’ll find them … reasonable

You’ll find them … reasonable

Rock ’em sock ’em rivalry

Rock ’em sock ’em rivalry

The pointy bits could prove problematic

The pointy bits could prove problematic

You want ’em to starve or somethin’?!

You want ’em to starve or somethin’?!

Must be hard to maintain that superiority with that mayor of

Must be hard to maintain that superiority with that mayor of

Raviolis, my favourite!

Raviolis, my favourite!

Extra marks for ability to derail a freight train

Extra marks for ability to derail a freight train

My kinda season

My kinda season

Like a boss

Like a boss