Not sure I agree with your definition of “cute”
Creativity in advertising
We’re running out of options
Border crossing capers
Every family tree has gnarled roots
Keep moving forward
Let the rhythm move you
Revel in the melody while it lasts
A step above bass humour
Damn straight
That you did, sir … that you did
Lyrical philosophy
Cro-magnon communication
Just get to the point
We’ve all known that pain
Family commitment
And that’s why we ran outta unicorns
Don’t dis your veggies
Dat ass …
Temperamental diversity
The view is better from here
Land of the huntress
The long and winding road
Decisions, decisions
Beach weather
Spectator sports
Dis my stash
How I feel at work
Cherry season, baby
Love that fresh air
Showin’ his true colours
I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!
Fetch me my hedge clippers
Cravin’ yer attention
Now there’s a happy sentiment
A good day for lolling about