Please insert appropriate appendage
Woodland retreat
With a smile, if you please
No denying the truth
Left brain vs. right brain
I think that may help, thanks
The sad ebb of enthusiasm
Guys — no need to lay it on so thick
When you see it, you’ll shit bricks
It’s as necessary to my survival as you are
Top that, stupid cat
Gonna start peeing in the ktichen
Simplified instructions needed
At the appropriate time of day, of course
Enjoy your twigburger
I ain’t near done with you yet, dammit
Puddle pup
Lost in a crowd (pelicans, Gold Coast, Australia)
Red dot mayhem in 3 … 2 … 1 …
Okay, now that’s just creepy
Given the opportunity, you know they will
In fact, you’re practically quadriplegic
“Shall we dance?”“I’d be delighted!”
We all have a few
Like a boss
Stalking the morning
Breakfast of champions
Fascination factor
Keep it down, willya?
Good thing he has cuteness appeal
The past looks more appealing every day
Water fight!!
Criminals are herewith condemned
Hold onto yer shorts
Okay, so you like ice cream — no need to be a pig about it
My fave cast at ComicCon