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Survival instinct intact

Survival instinct intact

Wild at heart (Lynx cub)

Wild at heart (Lynx cub)

The parting shot has officially been fired

The parting shot has officially been fired

Just youthful exuberance, son

Just youthful exuberance, son

A nod and a wink to our effervescent George Takei

A nod and a wink to our effervescent George Takei

Prodigious propagation

Prodigious propagation

Excuse me waiter, there’s a hare in my cereal

Excuse me waiter, there’s a hare in my cereal

What goes around comes around

What goes around comes around

Livin’ up to its name

Livin’ up to its name

Monumental masterpiece

Monumental masterpiece

Work those quads, ladies

Work those quads, ladies

Shoulda just ordered a cup of cardiac arrest

Shoulda just ordered a cup of cardiac arrest

Quadruped alarm

Quadruped alarm

Just lemme finish shaving and I’ll be right with you

Just lemme finish shaving and I’ll be right with you

The funeral was a dignified affair

The funeral was a dignified affair

Make it a double

Make it a double

I’m faster than I look

I’m faster than I look

Just going down to the park to listen to some tunes with my crew

Just going down to the park to listen to some tunes with my crew

Crank it up

Crank it up

Trust Tard to diss an icon

Trust Tard to diss an icon

Artistic endeavours (leaf carving by Lorenzo Manuel Duran)

Artistic endeavours (leaf carving by Lorenzo Manuel Duran)

I can live with that

I can live with that

Whatever satisfies the soul is truth. ~ Walt Whitman

Whatever satisfies the soul is truth. ~ Walt Whitman

A moment and an opportunity and a life, all in the unseen tick

A moment and an opportunity and a life, all in the unseen tick

Let your soul sing

Let your soul sing

Yeah, thanks, I’ll pass (abandoned amusement park Spreepark

Yeah, thanks, I’ll pass (abandoned amusement park Spreepark

Classic sleeve faces

Classic sleeve faces

Three days, baby

Three days, baby

Less than ฮ in 2014 dollars …

Less than ฮ in 2014 dollars …

Intensity in monochrome

Intensity in monochrome

I want the back story …

I want the back story …

And phenomenal how many people possess both

And phenomenal how many people possess both

Respectful request

Respectful request

Imagine the pastabilities

Imagine the pastabilities

My life so far

My life so far

Looks like kitty already does

Looks like kitty already does