Lots more room for tissues
Seasonal transition
I can commiserate
Hitchin’ a ride (deer and magpies)
Growth requires movement
Just a fencing fox
The brutal smells of summer
Only cats like little red dots
No thanks, I prefer to think for myself
If he’d just waited another hour …
How does that work, exactly?
Work week’s done and the fun’s begun
I’ll start again on Monday
Can’t start soon enough for me
That would suit me just fine
Sorry, forgot myself for a minute there
That is some heavy shit, man
Some assembly required
Don’t believe everything you read
Still united
A hurricane can change that game
Time to visit the optometrist
With age comes wisdom
Always loved paper hats
Almost as bad as saying Beetlejuice
Finders keepers
Took ya long enough to get here
Muffling the moron
Maybe a lullaby would help … or a flock of sheep …
Break of day
Multi-taskers might argue
Armed with intellect
The rest of you cretins can just get in line
A star is born (Jim Henson and the Kermit prototype in the late
The lady never pulled any punches