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So, what’s for dinner?
He likes to live dangerously
The indulgent eighties
Just following the good book
Feeling used
Kindly keep your opinions to yourself
Give it a rest, willya?
You didn’t hear it from me
Now that’s horrifying
Stopping them dead in their tracks
Let’s get that kid properly equipped
Female empowerment personified
Do not disturb the living while the dead are walking
When I find him, he’ll wish karma had found him first
I’ll have the coffee ready when you get back
If I ain’t gettin’ any, you ain’t gettin’ any
Great party, kthxbye
That’s just bananas, man
Couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn with a cannon at fifty
C’mon, seriously?!
Feeling fearless?
Purposeful plastic
The inspired, irreplaceable comedic insanity that was Monty
Lacking that delicious sense of satisfaction
Had enough of people today
Omnipresent fandom
Foolish human
Behold my evolving power
Leap of faith
Stop consuming our chance at survival
Does that make him a stool pigeon?
Google has deployed camels to help create a “street view”
Fingertip cutie (Western Pygmy Possum, Australia)
Mocaccino and chocolate croissant … best start to a weekend
National pastime