Perfect end to a great night
Just one of my boner buddies
Just gettin’ comfy
Not quite ready for his dirt nap
Cat vs. Alien : The Final Showdown
Perpetual procession
I want him as my wing man tonight
Punkin’ the male contingent
I don’t trust him … he looks a little batty
Take a load off
Care for a bite?
Ready when you are
Ready to hit the road
And it’s wearing the cutest shoes
Those ain’t the legumes she means
Altruistic superhero
Can’t hold his liquor
Finally, real evidence
Perfect afternoon snack
Do not threaten a hungry tortoise
Spooks on the slopes
… and carry a bucket
So smooooth
*Sigh* … still waiting for service …
I trust my trust is not misplaced
Just a couple of lost boys
Gotta boost that blood sugar back up
Immersed in his work (Salvador Dali)
Needful things … got a long night ahead of me
Gettin’ down to basics
Time for another All Hallow’s Eve excursion … to the
Happy Hallowe’en!
I’d pay to see that
Alright already … you don’t have to get catty about
Word to the wise