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Size is of little consequence

Size is of little consequence

Nice night for a walk anyway

Nice night for a walk anyway

Save your dramatics for your acting class

Save your dramatics for your acting class

Escape plan thwarted

Escape plan thwarted

Get your priorities straight

Get your priorities straight

Gawdammit, pay attention willya?

Gawdammit, pay attention willya?

Just a simple request

Just a simple request

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas …

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas …

See how the other half lives

See how the other half lives

Your cooperation is appreciated

Your cooperation is appreciated

Logic prevails

Logic prevails

That’ll teach her to quit buying the cheap stuff

That’ll teach her to quit buying the cheap stuff

Point taken

Point taken

Tuber or not tuber, that is the question

Tuber or not tuber, that is the question

Your move, Bill

Your move, Bill

Who let the Tasmanian Devil in?!

Who let the Tasmanian Devil in?!

Got my blankie ready

Got my blankie ready

Captain of the decorations crew

Captain of the decorations crew

Bear the burden with grace

Bear the burden with grace

Love hurts when it leaves

Love hurts when it leaves

We’re acclimatized, eh

We’re acclimatized, eh

Sharknado? Pfft. Try Shark Icestorm! (photographed near Port

Sharknado? Pfft. Try Shark Icestorm! (photographed near Port

Got ’em on sale on Black Friday

Got ’em on sale on Black Friday

Hmmm … you may have a point

Hmmm … you may have a point

Not all Starbucks are created equal (Dubai)

Not all Starbucks are created equal (Dubai)

Ultimate vehicle swap

Ultimate vehicle swap

Ready in a minute, just gotta scratch my teeth

Ready in a minute, just gotta scratch my teeth

Happy hump day

Happy hump day

Happy 66th birthday to the Prince of Darkness

Happy 66th birthday to the Prince of Darkness

I can state with some conviction that I will NEVER be that thirsty

I can state with some conviction that I will NEVER be that thirsty

In training for the crybaby Olympics

In training for the crybaby Olympics

One more sleep

One more sleep

That’s it, I want my money back

That’s it, I want my money back

If you’re trying to confuse me, you’ve succeeded

If you’re trying to confuse me, you’ve succeeded

Hi Mom—I won a medal! I came in thirdst!

Hi Mom—I won a medal! I came in thirdst!

… and apparently he’s gay

… and apparently he’s gay