”Miyuki Sawashiro” My mind is Blown
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0vyMHOkOXM MIYUKI SAWASHIRO
I have to issue an apology here: Miyuki Sawashiro did not,
List of VAs and some well known characters they voiced and the
lunaismaiwaifu: List of VAs and some well known characters they
konozama4989: 浅川悠 花澤香菜 日高里菜 石原夏織 小倉唯 沢城みゆき
konozama4989: 浅川悠 花澤香菜 日高里菜 石原夏織 小倉唯 沢城みゆき
rinfiorarara: Seiyuu Kamiya Hiroshi and Sawashiro Miyuki Featured