eltipodeincognito: First picture of the year, the new background

eltipodeincognito: First picture of the year, the new background

A gorgeous picture that Kimik https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=62896256 drew

A gorgeous picture that Kimik https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=62896256 drew

Whelp, that’s done.  Took me almost four months to get

Whelp, that’s done. Took me almost four months to get

eltipodeincognito: First picture of the year, the new background

eltipodeincognito: First picture of the year, the new background

HentaiPorn4u.com Pic- Seductive LeBlanc (xpost from /r/Rule34LoL)

HentaiPorn4u.com Pic- Seductive LeBlanc (xpost from /r/Rule34LoL)

HentaiPorn4u.com Pic- Seductive LeBlanc (xpost from /r/Rule34LoL)

HentaiPorn4u.com Pic- Seductive LeBlanc (xpost from /r/Rule34LoL)