ambrosine92:  Honoka x Monster Quickie! Did one quick animation

ambrosine92: Honoka x Monster Quickie! Did one quick animation

 Our  girls take a vacation for a few days, relaxing at the beach

Our girls take a vacation for a few days, relaxing at the beach

Metro GaGa Day - Saw this in Prague last week on my trip. Thought

Metro GaGa Day - Saw this in Prague last week on my trip. Thought

lustyscripps:  ruinedchildhood:  too-gay-for-this:  He has Monsters

lustyscripps: ruinedchildhood: too-gay-for-this: He has Monsters

ambrosine92:  Honoka x Monster Quickie!Did one quick animation

ambrosine92: Honoka x Monster Quickie!Did one quick animation

ragsy:  everyone’s acting like dipper pines would grow up to

ragsy: everyone’s acting like dipper pines would grow up to

goon-monster:  On a whim, you decided to spend your one week

goon-monster: On a whim, you decided to spend your one week

maxscoville:  I’m doing a series of portraits of monsters who

maxscoville: I’m doing a series of portraits of monsters who

destroywhiteboys:  You knew exactly what you were doing when

destroywhiteboys: You knew exactly what you were doing when

belated summer Dirkjake pics I got around finishing only now

belated summer Dirkjake pics I got around finishing only now