A Lego Ninjago: Film (The Lego Ninjago Movie, 2017) Stílus:
Freeze pops and Lego Ninjago series. (Taken with instagram)
Master Chen just remembered tonight is “noodle night”!#LEGO
Kai’s typically not one to step on toes. #DownInFront #LEGO
Think about it. For more Wise Sensei Wu, download the Cartoon
Super, Cole. Just super.
Master Chen, or as the kabuki like to call him, “Giggles
But is a dolphin with teeth a shark? For more Wise Sensei Wu,
ocdevelopmentstuff: Roast my OC villain team please?Left to right:
dailyactress: Olivia Munn – The LEGO Ninjago Movie film Premiere