Queer punk DIY: the zines and records of my friends and I, Arde

Queer punk DIY: the zines and records of my friends and I, Arde

Casa Curutchet — Le Corbusier (1954) La Plata, Argentina.

Casa Curutchet — Le Corbusier (1954) La Plata, Argentina.

dailyoverview:  The planned city of La Plata — the capital

dailyoverview: The planned city of La Plata — the capital

un-cerebro-hambriento:  La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

un-cerebro-hambriento: La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

cross-connect:  Graphic designer, web wizard and motiongrapher Gustavo

cross-connect: Graphic designer, web wizard and motiongrapher Gustavo