In the wild / w dzikich ostępach
Captives in the woods
In the woods / W lesie
Captive damsel in distress - do you like classic bondage?Dama - Captive (Joey Carter & Dale Cooper)
In captivity of pleasureI plan to do this!!!!Patreon
Keep another secret? I like to fake a getaway when Daddy walks
In my heart and my head
deviantdesires: bondage and beautiful lingerie, how could i
Captive Loki
I always have dreams where I have wings. Ever since I was little.
I dreamt that I fed you after bathing you in my love. We intertwined
“Come find me in the forest, Sir…” The note
Hello, my loveys!!! Your kitten is FINALLY back home!!! Oh my,
In need of this. It’s been way too long…
Sometimes, turning your own world upside down, is necessary to
Sissy…can’t wait to take a stroll with you…preferably
Two peas in a pod, we are…
You had my heart and soul in your hand...
Hiding in my hoodie all day…
Because a cheeky “poetic” friend said, “not
I can’t think of anyone else I’d want to make kissie
We’re in this together, no matter what!
in-morpheus-arms: ☸
In wonderland
In my corner pocket, Daddy…
This reminds me of this boy I grew up with, in Kentucky. We were
In Lak’ech Ala K’in (I am you, and you are me)
In spite of being hurt by the one(s) I held so dear to me, I
Animals do not belong in captivity. Stop with the excuses about
Wild in Captivity Ch. 02