Gay size difference for @maelstrom-aura

Gay size difference for @maelstrom-aura

Pokémon’s MegaCharizard X & Y  by Rathmutatio

Pokémon’s MegaCharizard X & Y by Rathmutatio

Charizard (Pokemon) by Dracovar Valeford

Charizard (Pokemon) by Dracovar Valeford

arcaninesthrobbingboner:   midnight-pokeporn-stash:   pokephiles:

arcaninesthrobbingboner: midnight-pokeporn-stash: pokephiles:

lptntsap:   Source: Arc and Zar 02 | Arc and Zar 01 | Lord

lptntsap: Source: Arc and Zar 02 | Arc and Zar 01 | Lord

corneil:  Source

corneil: Source

Art by Biozs (バイオ前線)

Art by Biozs (バイオ前線)

Zach was an older Charizard student in college, and it was him

Zach was an older Charizard student in college, and it was him

  REQ - Charizard, his trainer, and a friend  All characters

REQ - Charizard, his trainer, and a friend All characters

dekiros:gay people club 

dekiros:gay people club