

  Quick Preview of the new set!Sorry for the gloomy eyes, but

Quick Preview of the new set!Sorry for the gloomy eyes, but

ArrowBlack Canary cosplayVinakula as Black Canaryphoto by me

ArrowBlack Canary cosplayVinakula as Black Canaryphoto by me

  Kate Lann as Kassandra Niamashina as Aspasia Photo, make-up

Kate Lann as Kassandra Niamashina as Aspasia Photo, make-up

from my old black cat set, I did a really bad job on the mask,

from my old black cat set, I did a really bad job on the mask,

Otaku Rocker Girl

Otaku Rocker Girl

pizako:  2016/02/07 wonder festival  I’ve always found

pizako: 2016/02/07 wonder festival I’ve always found

  Torie as Templar Assassinphoto, make-up by me  https://www.instagram.com/milliganvick/

Torie as Templar Assassinphoto, make-up by me https://www.instagram.com/milliganvick/