I’ve lived my life not really ever considering that I could
I of course don’t speak for everyone butA lot of people
You seem to always be too busy for me. I’m trying not to
Finally I learn something… I learned that I blur the
It’s really hard for me to feel this a lot of the time
I’m not really into ~Thanksgiving on a historically bad
I need to find a way to articulate that I know my therapist means
My therapist wanted me to keep a journal of all the times I freaked
I think when I finally have enough money (being a teacher idk
I have been wearing Graham’s shorts recently, because
Work kicked my ass today and I have another very stressful 8
I’m beginning to realize that the best insight to people
While I was walking from the train stop a guy looked at me and
Katie suggested me getting a “grounding” item so
I’m trying to figure out how to look back on roughly half
being in two relationships with two of my closest friends is
shockingly honest of me to post this but I hate not being stealth
I keep meaning to go to bed early but this is the third day in
i don’t know what it is about noiao that gives me such bitter
really want the domain tooru.god.jp wtf
Wanted to work more on that Nickel print but not happening…
but not really they’re kind of massive and i love how they
Stuck between really wanting to have sex, like bad, like he and
I left the postpartum depression group I was in. Tired of not
revivaljam: when a hot person accidentally touches you
fenrirlives: Say that I’m a decent person and my art is good
Just came downstairs to find that my dad opened up my personal
I’ve been experiencing insane amounts of self hatred lately
Me: bruh I feel like garbage in the way that only looking at
I don’t think it’s very hard to understandI’m not a womanI’m
I know you’re supposed to do things like this ‘for
I just finished one of the best anime I’ve seen in a long
do I straighten my hair which would be good for like 2 days but
The local news is saying flooding shouldn’t be all that
I always appreciate compliments and kind words, but it really