bison2winquote:- Chun-Li, Tatsunoko vs Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars
bison2winquote: - Spiderman, Marvel Super Heroes (Capcom)
hesjayrich: bison2winquote: “Teach me that move that goes ‘VWOOM’!
bison2winquote: - Magneto, X-Men vs. Street Fighter (Capcom)
videogamesmademegay: Suggestive. Very suggestive. (Via bison2winquote.)
videogamesmademegay: Kushnood Butt, there are a few things you
bison2winquote: - M. Bison to Dhalsim, Street Fighter X Tekken
bison2winquote: - Chun Li, Tatsunoko vs Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars
happymondayman: bison2winquote: ica47: bison2winquote: -Chang
bison2winquote: - Archetype: Earth, Melty Blood: Actress Again:
bison2winquote: - Archetype: Earth, Melty Blood: Actress Again:
bison2winquote: - Crimson Viper, Street Fighter IV [iPhone edition]
bison2winquote: - Sagat, Street Fighter Alpha 3 (Capcom)
obscurevideogames: Voltage Fighter Gowcaizer (Technos - Neo
bison2winquote: - Vega Fabio La Cerda, Street Fighter Alpha
bison2winquote: - Axl Low after defeating Slayer, Guilty Gear
bison2winquote: - Big Mama, Shock Troopers (Saurus) via restinpeaches
bison2winquote: - Jotaro Kujo, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure HD
bison2winquote: - Morrigan Aensland, Marvel vs Capcom: Clash
bison2winquote: - Chun Li, Street Fighter Alpha 3 (Capcom)
bison2winquote: - Storm, X-Men, Children of the Atom (Capcom)
bison2winquote: - Jin Saotome, Marvel vs Capcom 1: Clash of Super
bison2winquote: - Matlock Jade to Clown, Fighter’s History
freeandshonenspirit: bison2winquote: - Yuri Sakazaki after
bison2winquote: - Terry Bogard vs Geese Howard pre-fight, SNK
bison2winquote: - Karin Kanzuki, Street Fighter Alpha 3 (Capcom)
bison2winquote: - Chun-Li and Dan Hibiki pre-fight, SNK vs Capcom:
bison2winquote: - Chun-Li and Dan Hibiki pre-fight, SNK vs Capcom:
bison2winquote: - Chun-Li, Street Fighter Alpha 3 (Capcom)
bison2winquote: - Chun-Li, Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter
bison2winquote: - Q-Bee, Vampire Saviour/ Darkstalkers 3 (Capcom)
sndfrosteyneko: bison2winquote: - Jotaro Kujo, JoJo’s Bizarre
bison2winquote:- Strider Hiryu, Marvel vs Capcom [1]: Clash of
bison2winquote:- Karin Kanzuki, Street Fighter Alpha 3 (Capcom)